Life As a Pill Head


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Failure of the Left.........

  the left side of my stomach that is. i was supposed to take a stroll with the husband tonight but after being out at a couple of stores gathering food i was in too much pain. tonight the left side of my stomach was hurting quite a bit with the right side. i let my pills wear off some to see how bad my pain is and well, now i have an idea. so maybe tomorrow night i will try wrapping my stomach and see about that stroll. since the stomach went south i have gained some weight. probably a good ten pounds and that is just not acceptable. the last thing i need is a bunch of fat pushing on everything too. i also noticed while examining my wrinkles in the mirror that pressing on my belly button area brings about the burning pain. oh such fun. if it all collapses will i be able to stand? sit up? with that threat hanging over me you would think it enough to get me to the surgeon. nope. still does not out weigh what i will feel like after surgery. yeah it is only a day or two of pure hell but i am just not that brave right now. maybe later. anyway here are two pictures of what i looked like after my emergency c-section. not pretty at all.


is that not just delicious. it was hell, HELL i tell you. so anyway one giant upside down T incision. just lovely. they even had to take my intestines out to find the baby and my bladder was in the wrong place too. why? because of stan(the hernia incase you aren't up to date). so there are the pictures i promised. all serious stuff today. i am laughing on the inside. really.

your laughing pill head

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