Life As a Pill Head


Saturday, May 22, 2010


i've been away because we have been sick non stop. its getting a bit annoying. everytime someone gets better we get something else. anyway, i stopped the lyrica. we just couldn't afford it with everything else im taking. i would have stopped it anyway cause i gained ten pounds. as sedentary as i am i can't afford to gain any weight.
i went to my golden rheumy appointment. he was alright. i sound so rehearsed now when i tell them whats going on. he felt me everywhere and determined i hurt everywhere. he said i definitely have fibromyalgia and chronic pain. damn. i don't want to have fibro. if you tell someone you have that they roll their eyes and assume you are over emotional and causing it just by your inability to control yourself. ugh. so im not telling my mum i have it. i already know what she thinks about it anyway. i had more blood work done cause my ana labs were missing and no one has checked my thyroid or maybe those results were missing too. i told him my ana came back fine but he wanted to run it anyway. he didn't say what the rash is and i was hoping he would. he put me on lyricas mom, neurontin, and muscle relaxers so i will sleep. lol whats that? funny thing is since last weekend i have done nothing but sleep and still am exhausted. the muscle relaxers do help me go to sleep but i wake up like i did before. i have also had a headache for a week now. not sure what that is all about but my regular doc was nice enough to prescribe me migraine meds. a god thing, i guess, is that my date witht he rheumy went so well he wants to see me again. i'll have to write down a couple questions for him on my next visit. all in all im pretty depressed about the whole thing. i don't know what i was expecting. something different from what i've heard? i don't know. when i got back from the rheumy i went to sleep and when i woke up i felt awful. my husband says im worse having gone. lol not really it's just that im having another flare up and with being sick i'm just plain zombified. i don't know if i had mentioned before that i stopped the ultram and am taking talwin for pain now. works better and during a flare provides a little relief unlike the ultram. so thats the big update. maybe ill keep up better with this blog. it has potential to at least give me a place to vent.
your neighborhood pill head

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