Life As a Pill Head


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Me Who...

i had big plans for this blog. anything i have big plans for is destined to fail. this isn't exactly a "fail" though. my daughter either has really bad tourettes or something else so i've been too busy to talk about me. it happened quite suddenly; we ate dinner, then her shoulder and head began to jerk. i have spent the last, almost, three weeks trying to keep us from being assaulted by her. she has it bad. no vocal tic as of yet just bad physical tics. within just a few days of it starting, her whole body jerks almost constantly unless she is asleep. the worst of it is the hitting, kicking, and throwing. she hits us, she hits things, she kicks us, she kicks things, and it seems that just about everything she touches she throws. i have had to start feeding her so that she does not throw her food. that was going well till she started spitting out every bite i put in her mouth. by now you are probably wondering where the doctor is and why isn't she on medicine. funny how we jump to conclusions that way. always assuming the child is not getting the care they need. well she has been trying tenex. she started it a couple days ago. she sleeps ALOT and when she is awake she is the same as above only with a dumb tired look on her face. i do not know her anymore. she is miserable. i am miserable. i think everyone is feeling something similar. i long to hear her laugh cause i don't think she has in awhile.
your neighborhood pill head
about five minutes after i wrote this my daughter woke up from another nap and talked to me for about a half hour. she only hit me 7 times and if i didn't look at her eyes it was alot like the girl i used to know

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Lyica Try

so i am trying lyrica. this is a weird drug. it makes me really happy, dizzy, and gives me what i call shakey vision. i am taking 225 mg(i think they are mg's) a day. it was 150 but after some reading i added another pill. i have had some swelling from lyrica also but so far not too bad. i would say to others to try it. i never read side effects to something "normal" but on things like lyrica and lupron i do. not all of them, just part to get an idea and feel for the drug. i- am on week two of it. i don't know if it helps with my pain. i would probably say it doesn't as the last couple of days i have woken up with swollen, stiff, sore fingers. plus my knees have been giving me hell. i finally bought a cane to help me out. boy that was painful. i am not even 35 and i have a cane. the old ladies in wal-mart move faster than me right now. i am just coming off a flare up. my rash is starting itch and is showing itself more so it seems i will be in another flare up soon. i use my rash as an indicator. it does seem that when i get to itching bad that shortly after i hurt really bad. so lyrica, i am giving it time. hopefully it doesn't kill me too quickly cause i need to learn to knit a sweater before i die.

pill head