Life As a Pill Head


Thursday, September 30, 2010


Okay sorry it has been so long. ill make an effort to keep this more up to date. so anyway, i read that tanning can help with pain. i decided to give it a try cause i like tanning despite the fact ill get skin cancer and die. at least ill look good in my coffin, maybe. i tanned for two months. i can't say i noticed much help in the pain area but it definitely boosts my mood, keeps my freak rash away and gives me a fabulous tan!

The latest experiment has been liquid chorophyll. i've been taking about two tablespoons twice a day(morning, night, or when i remember) for almost a month now. i have indeed noticed less fatigue. this is good cause i have been going through super sleepy flares. i am going to stay on the chlorophyll as regularly as i can as i think it is very helpful.

I tried an emu oil experiment on my sore spots but i kept forgetting to use it. so emu oil experiment has been cancelled due to fog, brain fog that is. i do use it when i remember but i can't say ive noticed it helping

So far my meds are- talwin 3x every four hours as needed for pain, effexor for pain(not working at all), and birth control

My pain has been off and on tolerable to unbearable in the morning. mornings remain the absolute worst time of the day for me unless im in a flare up. im thinking of getting back on the anti inflammatory i suddenly forgot the name of. i got off it cause i didn't think it was helping but i think it was doing more than i knew.

I'm having alot of trouble with my hands. they hurt all the time. my knuckles are stiff and sore. i wish there was something topically i could apply to them to make it stop. i've tried a bunch of different over the counter creams but no luck, which is why i tried the emu oil.

Okay so that is the official update. ive been needle felting as the hobby of choice lately. very tedious and i love tedious. here is a pumkin i made. if your interested in buying one let me know. ill have other stuff too cause im going to finish my sheep when im done with the pumpkins. i also have a tuxedo cat that is almost done and pretty darn cute. so there is my quick advertisement of me.

your needle felting pill head

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